Sunday, April 19, 2015

Things to Come...

I have recently found myself interested on exploring not only the value and surface details of botanical forms, but also their dimensional qualities. Sculpture and painting typically exist in separate realms of art practice and intellectual discourse. However my main subject, has physical qualities so closely related to the paper I am working on, new opportunities for discovery and experimentation. 
Thus far, croque debris celebrates spatial relationships, and the depth created by the interplay of form and cast shadows on a flat surface. What if the shapes were in fact spaces and their values determined by actual distances behind the painting surface?
 This study was done at the Catahoula Cafe in Richmond, CA during a meeting with local art and art education phenom Jerarde Gutierrez. It was my first attempt at bridging painting and sculpture through a memory-based leaf study using watercolor and my favorite cold-press paper.

With this new set of variables and the addition of the X-acto knife to my tool kit, I expect the next series of croque debris watercolors to lead to something new and exciting...

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